Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hello everyone!

I know it was like I dropped off the face of the earth... sorry I was kinda busy having a baby!

But I'm back at work now, back in the garden pulling the Coralitta and whacking my weeds. She is at home with Daddy... no I don't have her strapped to my back while I'm weeding!

And there she is, my little princess, Serena... ahhh she's so cute!! (but of course I am a little biased!)

So I can't really say that the garden is my baby any longer... but it struck me the other day, that the garden will be 15 years old this year... so it's actually more like my rebellious teenager. The funny thing is that it really is like that... it takes a lot of maintenance...

It's always crashing my trucks...

And... it's always having friends over that I don't approve of!

It is very exciting that the garden is 15 this year though, we are planning on having a birthday party... we will keep you updated on when of course and now that I'm back at work we will be posting on progress once again... watch this space.

As always... much love from the garden on the golden rock :)

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