Over the weekend we had about 25 people come and do some work in the garden and we got a lot of work completed. Weeding beds, removing dead leaves from the spider lilies, raking leaves, pulling the dreaded Corallita, cleaning signs, removing Tan tan trees, they did it all!
What was so nice for me was the amount of kids and young people that came out to help. They are, afterall, the future of Nature Conservation on the island and it's good to see they are keen to help out even now.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped us out... keep an eye for details of the next weekend in may!
Much love from the garden on the golden rock...
The crew from the saturday
Just to prove our president of the board gets his hands dirty too...
Daniel and Deandre ready for action!
Deandre and his sister Alicia working hard
Quayla and Monique tidying up the spider lilies
Just to prove it wasn't a one-off!
Makeda picking cotton from the tree, the kids sat and seperated all the seeds for me as well.
The flower beds look much neater now.
And after all the hard work comes the food!
Tucking in after a hot morning
Absolutely awesome! Wish I could've been there to help!