Jeanette and Eric are my stars... they have been working like troopers at the garden for the last 5 weeks and although we sweat from every pore we have so much fun it's almost not really work. Elsbeth is fantastic too. She has moved to the island from Holland with her husband and came into the office a few weeks ago to offer to volunteer for us. These three have been my Wednesday wild crew (the name shamelessly plagiarized from the Forestry Commission where Jeanette and Eric volunteer in the UK) for the last few weeks.
This week we added John to the crew... he arrived on Monday evening and by Tuesday morning he was pulling Coralitta... I love it when they just get stuck in!
So we had a massively productive week, had a great time (my stomach actually hurt from laughing on Wednesday) and most importantly we got so much done!
The crew. From left, John, Eric, Jeanette and Elsbeth.
Coralitta be gone!
Elsbeth stamps down the debris so we can load in even more.
And this is the result... a wonderful Coralitta-purged garden!
Much love from the garden on the golden rock.
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