Tuesday, October 9, 2012

garden goings on

Hello everyone!

I know, it's been AGES!! but I have so much trouble getting to the office, there is just too much to do at the garden!

Okay, what's been going on... well lots as ever, we have a new intern, her name is Lorna and she is from scottie-land! She is a totally awesome plant-scientist-chick and she is going over all our signage and our documents making sure that everything we have is labeled properly and has the right plant family info and all that... did I mention that she has a MASTERS in plant taxonomy!! Oh yes! She is also really hard working and doesn't mind being covered in dirt all day either... Fab!

We have also been super busy helping to organise an event called 'people and the parks' where we prepared presentations and information for the general public about what STENAPA does. Lorna manned the plant sale table and sold a whopping $170 of plants... you can buy a lot of weedwhacker string with that you know! We held it on Sunday at the Lion's den carnival village and although it was hard work everyone came together and it was a big success. It may be something we do more regularly in the future. We had a lot of children at the event and there was even a play about the attitudes towards STENAPA (that was very funny and a chance for people to dress up and have a good laugh!)

And of course in between all that we have been doing all our usual stuff of keeping the garden looking good.

We are starting to put together plans now for the phase 3 gardens.... sooooo exciting... they will include an pre and post Columbian gardens with some neat surprises thrown in, can't tell you too much at the moment as we are waiting on approval of funds etc but it will be a VERY cool project for 2013!

Lastly but for sure not least, we are welcoming back some past volunteers at the garden this month and next. Jordan who was a volunteer with us earlier this year has returned and will be helping in the National Park as well as assisting Lorna with her Native plants project she is planning. AND.... early next month.... Randy is back!! yes the weedwhacking machine returns! (collective cheering going on) so lots being done, lots to be done as well....

Stay tuned for more updates and details when I get them on the projects for next year!

As ever, much love from the garden on the golden rock ;)

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