Anyway, rather than rabbiting on too much (you know I'm good at that)... I'm just gonna show you what we've been up to! Enjoy!
Visitor centre is done! The walls knocked down, the floor filled in and painted and all the walls have a nice new coat of paint too... nice and sparkly new!
We've even managed to install an activity station called Kids Corner where younger visitors can do some colouring, work through some activity sheets or play some games.
The Mega D Youth foundation had a summer camp at the garden - lots of fun was had by all.
Broadreach came to play in the garden again. They helped us to rebuild one of our children's garden walls. We had over 60 helpers from Broadreach in just one week. Amazing!
Sheila did some science! She conducted a study on effective ways of killing Tan tan trees at the garden. Tan tan is an invasive species and it's notoriously hard to get rid of. This stump was one that was treated with herbicide... you can just make out little shoots around the base... more experimentation is needed but we learnt a lot.
We overhauled the compost area. It now has 3 lovely large filling areas. One for all the new debris from the garden, another next to it so we can transfer the compost after a few weeks of decomposition (good way to aerate your compost) and a third nearest the shadehouse for the final stage of rotting down. At last a huge area for all our garden waste... no more trips to the dump!
We had a very successful project launch - the Statia Morning Glory Challenge. We had some seedlings of the new National flower of Statia (oh yes!) the Statia Morning Glory and have been giving them away to greenfingered residents who want to try and grow it in their gardens. The response has been really positive so far with lots of people wanting to have a go. We are hoping to get some good information from local horticulture enthusiasts about how they are growing them.
We have had some less welcomed visitors for the last few weeks... a cow and her calf from last year. Luckily we have friends with tranquilizer guns! The boys from LVV came out today in fact and knocked them out and are planning to take them to be penned up away from the garden when they come round from their little snooze. Of course although I have to repair a lot of damage I do now have plenty of natural fertilizer (the brown gold- you know I love it) and I haven't had to weedwhack the lawn in weeks!
So now you know why I have been so quiet... More to follow in the next few weeks, I promise, so stay tuned as they say.
Much love from the garden on the golden rock.
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