Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Green sculptures

One of the projects that we have been working on over the last few weeks is a grass scultpure just above the lookout garden of a humpback whale.

Each year we have sightings from the garden of the humpbacks migrating through our waters and so it was the perfect spot for a large art installation. I have seen grass sculptures in other gardens around the world, large scale living sculptures covered in grass with other materials incorporated and they look so cool that we thought we would create our own.

I thought I would share a couple of photos showing you how its coming along. I will be creating the belly from concrete with pieces of glass and mirror inbedded to reflect the light and look like water glistening on the whale and the upper section of the body will be covered in grass so that it blends into the lawn that's there and appears to be emerging from the deep!

Much love from the garden on the golden rock.

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